A bit of a different blog to my usual blogs but one that I really need your help with sharing!
Please could i ask you to share this blog post with teachers, science coordinators and PTA members.
As you all know from today the current restrictions mean that animal parties can only take place with 6 people.
This doesn’t mean that parties will have to stop completely and I can still provide an animal party for a small gathering of 5 people plus myself.
However only part of what I do is about entertainment and before lockdown the majority of my business was from educational visits to schools, nurseries, colleges and universities.
Here are two new ways that i am adapting to the challenges Covid-19 has brought us all.

Socially distant visits to your school!
You may be thinking…
“It's not a safe time to put 30 children onto a coach and visit an attraction”
Wouldn’t it be great if the attraction could come to you?
Wouldn’t it be great if that attraction was covid secure?
Wouldn't it be great if it could take place in a safe environment where the children are
used to following the new rules that they have been given?
Well I can provide that for you, I can provide the same fun and educational experience that I have been providing for over 13 years but in a new socially distant way.
During lockdown I was able to train the animals in a way which means I am able to stay socially distant but the children are still able to handle them.
Schools that have booked me in the past will know that the animals welfare is a top priority and you can rest assured that the animals welfare is still kept to a high standard.
They live at Cedars Nature Centre which is a small community zoo in Hertfordshire and this has also been awarded with Visit England’s good to go scheme as a covid secure venue.
Not only do I hold the relevant licenses and I am DBS checked but I will be wearing a face visor and all of my equipment is able to be disinfected each day.
Whether it’s a curriculum staple such as rainforests or something a little different like dinosaurs.
I’m here to help, each school talk can be formed around your particular schools guidelines and topics that you wish to cover.
I really cant wait to be working in schools again teaching children about the natural world!

Online content!
If your school isn't ready for a visitor just yet but still want to take part then during lockdown I created a free online resource called Ranger Stu’s Virtual Zoo.
Each week a curriculum based topic was covered and tasks were given at EYFS and KS1 and KS2 level.
You can find the link here
This was extremely popular and went international reaching 300,000 children globally!
I will be bringing Ranger Stu’s Virtual Zoo back in a big way, creating a digital package just for schools which I’m really excited to tell you all about... you shall have to wait for another announcement for this (Sorry!).
Whichever option you choose not only will the children learn and have fun but you can have an interactive, safe and educational experience all whilst being in a school environment.
If this is something that sounds great to you, then get in touch today!
Thank you for sharing and stay safe out there!